
If you have an iPhone and play WallaBee, you have found the page you need to comment on to be gifted this ‘unique’ in the game.

Your comment needs to have your WallaBee username, and tell me something you have found on this site that interests you. If you have a number preference, please send me a private message on WallaBee. I will try to accommodate your preference, just realise that someone else may have requested that number before you (through the game). I hope you have found something of interest here!

Now you know my other passion (besides WallaBee!)!

croppedsecuredownload (2)

A special thanks to the WallaBee team, Andy (for the artwork), Ben, Simon, Alan and Miu! Artwork was based on the original logo designed by Justin Heim.

374 responses to “WallaBee

  1. This site is so comprehensive and a unique tool. It’s amazing to see how much is going on in the world that we have no idea about! Great job Bonnie and I wish you continued success in you’re work as THE information ninja!!
    You know who I am on WallaBee and you should also know that I collect #1s. 😜 Just kidding love, I would be honored to have any number!! Thanks for being my friend! 😘
    Heather Sibley, RN

    • I love the look and feel of this site. My favourites out of the sections I explored were Cadbury’s miles for smiles and the plating up the positives initiative. As a teacher I run across body image issues all the time and this looks like a great program. On WallaBee as here, I am crane2. Congrats on a lovely and informative website.

    • As mentioned there are many conditions that people certainly need to be aware. Sadly to say, I wasn’t aware of a lot of the issues, nor that they even had a day set aside for them. Thank you for keeping this site caught up. I play Wallabee under the name of 8 Ball. I’d like a Unique. No # preference. ✌️✌️

    • Hey it’s STAR!

  2. Nicolas Martin Guerra

    Great Site. Just discovered that April the 19th is Diaphragmatic Hernia awareness day. Love the unique. 6 please.

  3. hi bonnie, suffering from a chronical disease myself, i find the whole site interesting – what a great idea to list all these events. thanks! cheers, @die_kurze (will pm you in the game 😉 )

  4. Hi!! This is maroo268! Congrats!!!! Awesome unique!

  5. Hi there, the site I will be taking a closer look at is the cancer day and all aspects around this. My father in law has just been booked in for surgery to remove a very small growth and although I don’t know the full ins and outs about it yet, it would make sense to read up and be prepared in case so the site is very useful. Many thanks, Colin.

  6. Great job on this site. Read several awareness days I didn’t know existed. Any unique between #2-#30 please 😊 (TXRickC)

  7. My wife and daughter have rare diseases. Even most doctors are not aware if them. Its nice to see awareness raised here with Rare Disease Day(s)! 😀

  8. Hello! 🙂 I just checked your Site and am impressed how many informations on Events in different countries you collected here. Great Job! 🙂
    Wallabee Name: Angi 🙂

  9. Wow, what an amazing awareness site. I like that all this information is available in one place. Did not know there were so many awareness days. Such a great resource.

  10. Great site, like the Awareness days, I’ll see if I can get it added to our health site. WallaBee Name: Mizak

  11. Rene van Hasselaar

    Great job. As my mother (73) is starting to show mental & memory problems (her health is great) I hope to learn a lot about it with the help of your site.

    No specific number but a DD would be great.

  12. What a wonderful way to incorporate both passions. Good job. And thank you for the chance of owning
    this unique.

    My wallabee name is Clare Guest.

    As far as interest I like to keep up to date with recent findings to see if there would ever be a cure. I lost my dad to it in 2011 so it’s a part of my family history.

  13. I’m Hinderella79 on Wallabee

    I was happy to see Give Kids a Smile on this site. So many kids lack proper dental care and routine visits to the dentists could prevent so many health problems that result from their parents no being able to afford visits to a dentist.

  14. I think that the listings that you have of prominent events and days are great, useful to have all that collated in one place. 🙂
    Love the unique, any number would be great, lower numbers always especially appreciated 🙂

  15. Awesome site. It’s great to have all the awareness days collated in one forum for easy referencing. Excellent work, I’ll definitely be returning now that I know the resource is here. Thank you!!

    WallaBee name: ct

  16. Massimo (Betasito)

    Ciao Bonnie! Congratulazioni per il tuo magnifico Unique! I like it so much, it’s just gorgeous! 😻 Congrats on your website too, it’s full of very useful information! I’d be very pleased to get a copy of your unique, please. I like low numbered DDs so please send me the lowest you can, if possible….Grazie Mille in advance! 😻👏👏. Saluti! Betasito (Massimo is my real name)

  17. Yay!!!!!!! Love the site Bonnie!!! Mrsbatch

  18. I never knew that there was a website like this! It is awesome to know that you’re into this. I have definitely learned about some events that I am going to have to look into more! I would love a unique, and my username is soxchamp07. This website is a great idea, I love it!

  19. Diva de Los Muertos

    Hi there! This website is great! Very informative and a great reference point for people wanting more information on various conditions and diseases. The website is also easy to maneuver. Great website and cool idea to a distribute Wallabee unique! Any number is ok.

  20. Janine Gillespie

    We lost my gran last year to oesophageal cancer and before that I was pretty unaware of it as i don’t think it’s a commonly known cancer however I’ve just realised that in Ireland they have awareness days. I’ve now bookmarked the page to learn more. Thanks for the info! Great idea for a website!


  21. Nice website Bonnie! I sometimes create events for my company based on awareness days. Now my job will be easier. Also, I learned that Bobble Day exists and we need a US version. 🙂

  22. Wow, fantastic site you have here. My 12 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with raynauds, I had no idea that there was an awareness day for this. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I would love one of your uniques please. My wallabee name is storms girl.

  23. Keep up the good work! I really like how this site have health awareness issues from arount the globe and not just from one country or cause. I will share this with my friends and family. Congrats on the uniques showcasing your passion 🙂 Thanks! itsme123 (Mike)

  24. My name is scottyallanb on Wallabee. The 28 the is rare disease day and my family is touched by this.

  25. Sarah Lund (Philmontchick)

    Thanks for this wonderful site!

  26. I didn’t realize that when I quit smokining and occasionally eat way past when I’m full that I might have an eating disorder.

  27. Awesome site. Great to have all this info in one place! Thanks!
    Wallabee: dan

  28. Great site about health, covering the world. Congrats

  29. Great to see Wallabee being used to educate and inform people, well done Bonnie and thank you f

  30. Hi Bonnie!
    Very cool site with a lot of Infos! You did a great Job! Your Unique is great! The 24 would be fine pls! 🙂
    Many Thanks Greetz Fellbande ❤

  31. Some good information here that everyone can share. Interesting idea. Also mobile friendly!

    Username : rtvu2

  32. Hey there it’s Flame_b! I was really glad to read about Fat Talk Free February because I am overweight and always saying little comments about myself in front of my daughters. I don’t want them to develop a negative self image just because I’m unhappy with my figure. Great site! Hmmm I like 510, but if that’s too high, then 210 is great. Or you pick! See you on Wallabee, and congratulations on your endeavor. 😊

  33. Hi Bonnie! dotsamantha on wallabee, thank you for this great site, I was in healthcare for over ten years so I can definitely appreciate a site such as this. :0)

  34. Catherine (britishredcoat)

    what a great site! I found myself reading up on the National Teen Dating Violence Prevention Initiative. I noticed the local schools held events for this this year but wasn’t really sure what it was all about… now I am a bit better informed 🙂

  35. October 10th is World Mental Health day? I should’ve known this… although everyday should be mental health awareness day. So many people are relegated to silence because of the stigma of “abnormal” mental health. Thanks for spreading the word!

  36. Great website! Lots of information on here and days I’ve never heard of! Well done 😊

    Wallabee name:

  37. I really like the health aware icon with the earth as the eye. Very well done. I am a Wallabee player and my user name is Supermel. I would love your unique. I sent a. Friend request on the app.

  38. What a great site and unique item. As someone who has lost a loved one from a disease that would have been preventable with regular exams, it makes me glad to know that sites like this exist. Awareness is so important and it can save lives. I’ll definitely be checking this site out more in the future. My Wallabee name is baleensavage. Thanks.

  39. Cool webste! Would love to have the unique! Name on WallaBee is Jesse (:

  40. What a wonderful contribution….I have added this to my FAVORITES!!!!

    RhondaPonda 😻

  41. Great site! I like how everything is all on one site and you can easily access it. I work in a cancer center and we often have questions about different awareness days. Thanks! My Wallabee name is dkgmagee.

  42. Learned a little about acupuncture. I had always thought the needles were a little thicker than they actually are so now I shouldn’t be afraid. 🙂



  43. Hey Bonnie,
    Congrats on both the unique and this wonderful site – I can tell you have put so much work and passion into this. Awesome to have a central portal for so many events and issues important to all. Have just started browsing, but know there is lots to find and read! Thanks.
    Cath (cathjayoz)

  44. Hi! I read about acupuncture and found myself among the group of people who thought the needles were bigger; happy to know they are tiny and am less afraid to try it but still not there yet 🙂



  45. Very interesting site. Lot of great information. Looking at previous months there seems to be something for everyone.

    Will give this a book mark. Thanks for the work and the site.

  46. Kirsty (PennyroyalT)

    Great site! Is there a day for BPD? I would love a unique please:)

  47. Thank you for making this information available. Looking at it I find several days dedicated to me. It always pays to be informed. Again, thank you

  48. This site is sobering. Your unique is spreading awareness in the WallaBee world, and we, in turn, will share with the so-called “real” world. 😉 One item that particularly caught my eye (since you asked) was Lollipop Day. How smart to name an awareness day for fun. Great site, congrats Bonnie!

  49. Hi, Bonnie

    Must I choose something of interest? There are tons of topics here that tickle my interest… But I like the “Give Kids a Smile Day” even though it seems to have just passed 🙂

    Nice way to keep track of events!

  50. Nice website. I’m the wallabee from Austin with the painted bunting bird avatar! I would love your unique. Any number.

  51. Your unique is raising awareness in WallaBee-land, and in turn, we will spread the word in the “real” world. One thing that particularly caught my eye (since you asked) is Lollipop Day. This is one that my kids would happily be involved in because of the element of fun. So smart! Great resource, congrats Bonnie!!

  52. Wow, this is as amazing resource! I found the donate life and oesophageal cancer links most compelling. My father’s first cancer diagnosis was esophageal. Thanks for using your unique to promote this amazing site you put together. (onlysleepn)

  53. My name is GatorGates and have no preference on what number unique. This is a cool site, very informational and easy to use. I would have to say that it all interests me, especially the Bike Day! I always like to get out and enjoy getting in some exercise! Thanks!

  54. Such an informative site! I will definitely be bookmarking this for future reference. Thanks!

  55. What a great resource Bonnie! It is amazing to have access to a comprehensive list of all of these different events.

  56. Sheramy Turcotte

    Wallabee player she2dancer. I didn’t realize how many awareness days there really are! It was great to look through the months and take note of a few!!

  57. Great site, I’m a fan of having tons of info at my finger tips. I will definitely be checking back and referring others as most of my family are medical professionals. Oh yeah, my Wallabee screen name is also Robbie. Great site! 😉

  58. Hello, Robbie here! I love all the info your site has all in ine place. Most folks probably don’t realize a lot if this is usually spread in different areas/fields that may have little or no overlap. Will be sharing your site with my family as most are medical professionals. Thanks for sharing with us!

  59. Thanks for the links! As a musician, I have to be so careful with my hearing. Tinnitus is a real worry. I found some great info (including an app that has a decibel meter in it) through your site. My username in WallaBee is Brian Tate and I’d love one of your uniques (number not important). Thanks again for sharing your passion!

  60. I had no idea so many health issues have their own emphasis on a day or group of days. This is a great resource. You have put a lot of work into it. Thanks. Wallabee name – BlueAngel

  61. Very nice site Bonnie. You have done a ton of work! Did Ben have you release your item the day after OCD Awareness Week ended? I did not know about Rare Disease Day or a lot of other health related issues that I found here. Great resource.

  62. My son has a metabolic disorder. I wish we had something like this when he was younger.
    Lermshell ( wallabee name)

  63. Bonnie, Awesome resource site! Happy to see you covering a wide range of health issues, and love that you have a presence on Pinterest too! Congrats!! (Pat G)

  64. What a magnificent resource. I find it fascinating for two reasons. I love having this kind of resource available. It’s a wonderful network available to help when needed. And I Iove seeing its world-wide scope, emphasizing the single, comprehensive community that man is. Well Done!! (I play Wallabee as fluteface.$

  65. You are the one who got me hooked on Wallabee, Bonnie! You already know where to send the Healthaware unique. 😉

    And I love it all!

  66. Elisa Richardson

    scrapcat: I visited the Go Ride aBike Day page. Can’t wait for summer to get back on my own. Weather will be down in the single digits today °F

  67. So many awareness days I wasn’t aware of. Thank you for the education.

  68. Congrats on the new site. Keep up the good work.

    oystero (wallabee)

  69. Hi! What an interesting site! Glad to know you have such a worthwhile past time outside wallabee!
    Looking forward to adding your unique to my collection!

    Qtiepie 🙂

  70. I didnt know that so many days were dedicated to health issues! Nice of u to spread the awareness! Thanks

  71. Great site! Good to see so many countries covered. Lots of info at work this week on healthy eating 😉

  72. Nice informative site Bonnie. 😉
    All the Best!

  73. What a fantastic resource! I had no idea half of these days existed. Rare Disease day is one I hadn’t heard of before now. Thank you for takin the time to do this. 🙂

  74. Hi Bonnie! What a lot of work and care that you have put into this site. What a great contribution. You are helping a lot of people, I am sure! -Michal on Wallabee

  75. What a great website! I found the burns day particularly interesting for two reasons: 1) I scalded myself something terrible last week with a hot cup of tea and 2) we just did the Burn’s Night set (see what I did there?)

    Great site and a lovely unique 🙂

  76. fulfilled71

    This is a great website I am amazed at how many different illnesses are addressed I remember growing up having an epileptic as a Father it was very traumatic. Thankyou for making people aware of this site.

    Cheers Graham

  77. This is an awesome website with a lot of content about a lot of different illnesses and diseases. I remember growing up with epilepsy in our house which was traumatic on the whole family. Thanks for making everyone aware to this website.

    Cheers Graham
    fulfilled71 on wallabee

  78. Wallabee username: Baily. After looking over this site I would have to say that the mental health awareness struck my interest as I am familiar with the topic as well as the OCD day which Im pretty sure 99% of Wallabee suffer from to some degree. Lol. Thanks for sharing.

  79. This is an awesome site with so much information. I had no idea about all the things out there. Nice unique too! I’m shellynda in the game.

  80. I’ll look in greater depth when I get to work but you know who i am. It looks interesting. Tds to follow.

  81. Love how you have everything listed on the main page. I was unaware of everything that was going on. Great site and keep up all the good and hard work you have been doing

    Wallabee name is mrhuffman85

  82. Wow! I had no idea there were so many days for awareness! Great job on the website, it is very informative. I’ve been reading up on Alzheimer’s so thank you for directing me here. It would be great to join a team to spread awareness for the disease.
    (Wallabee username is jrisidore)

  83. What a great site. I had no idea there were so many awareness weeks. There’s so much health info, it’s nice to have a focus each week on something new to become aware of. Wallabee username: Skip Okane

  84. This site is so comprehensive as a medical professional myself I love how each month is filled with dedicated topics wonderful content I’m trendycelebrity on wallabee and would love a unique congrats on a well written site.

  85. My first comment doesn’t seem to have worked! I love that this is worldwide (like WB!) and I see that ovarian cancer is spotlighted. My sister is a survivor – the more this is discussed and reported, the more women will survive ❤️ Well done Bonnie xx

  86. Hi! This is a wonderful site ! As someone with health issues myself , it comforts me greatly knowing there is support , and a place to share ! Thank you

  87. Great website! Very useful information!

  88. Great Idea and website!! Keep it up!
    Wallabee: chewychiu

  89. Awesome site! I think I will be paying more attention to the different awareness weeks now 🙂

  90. I’m sad I missed International Belly Laugh Day!

    Username: chrisirmo

  91. Wallabee:Luis
    Immunization awareness week on my birthday! Very informative site, my wife read it too! Lowest number you can spare. 😛

  92. Thank you for this site there is so much information here I have a granddaughter who has a disease is listed thank you for putting me on your list for unique Becky

  93. Hey that’s a great site with informations and your Unique is great too! My Name is Fellherrli and the 24 would be great! Thank you

  94. Hello Bonnie, very interesting site. What a terrific contribution to the world, You are helping a lot of people, by facilitating information from all around the world. Obviously very pleased to see you caught the attention of one of the major medical librarian groups in Spain. PepeBee on Wallabee

  95. Very interesting site, a useful tool for us journalists.

  96. Great site, learnt a lot of new things looking at it today, e g that there is an allergy awareness week, didn’t know that! If possible any DD unique would be greatly appreciated 🙂

  97. Hey Bonnie..what a great site and to think I had no idea it was eating order awareness week in the UK..will certainly be popping back regularly to see what’s going on in the UK..my user name is xtonym40

  98. What a great website. I’ve posted a link to it on my Facebook page as I have many friends who may find it beneficial. It was interesting to read about some events that I was not aware of, such as Red Day. And thanks for being such a great Wallabee friend.

  99. My sister is pregnant right now so I was very happy to see “Pregnancy Awareness Week 2014”. She had health issues the last time and both her and my nephew almost didn’t make it through. 7 yrs later she is pregnant with her 2nd child. We are all watching her health very closly.
    Thank you for all the awareness.


  100. What a great resource, Bonnie – I had no idea there were so many Australian events! Good to see we are so well represented on an international level. Alison / Smurf.

  101. Love this site, feel that awareness of health issues are a massive way to help people who often think ‘it will never happen to me’ Perhsps a little more knowledge is just enough to help people get the help and support they may need, regardless of issue. I like the wide variety of issues that are covered , well done , Dexy 🐾😊🐾

  102. This is a wonderful resource Bonnie! I know how much time it takes to maintain and constantly update a website like this. Kudos to you!! Mahalo and Aloha from Hawaii, Carol (aka carolyhi on WallaBee).

  103. Great site! Quite a few awareness days I’ve never heard of, hopefully once I get back home I can volunteer and help out more. My user name is muchiefly!

  104. Great site! There are quite a few awareness days I wasn’t aware of lol. Hopefully once I get back home I can volunteer more. Thanks for the help with my article! My username is muchiefly!

  105. Nice work Bonnie. I followed the link to britains “bobble day” which intrigued me! I’m traciefrench in wallaworld.

  106. Hi, Bonnie. I have always loved calendar-type resources for information because, as a teacher, it is always helpful to be able to share information with a student that is applicable to the day or the week. I suffer from OCD, so I searched for that, but did not see any hits in the results. Then, I just decided to scroll down the events for February and saw there is an event in the UK for t.he week of 17-23.February. I am always interested in discovering new resources in regards to my condition. Let me know, though, if I am not searching correctly or if there is a special way to engage in the action. Obviously, there are OCD events, but my search does not show them and it would be nice to see all events for my search, but I am notably lazy and I am sure I will discover other noteworthy events through scrolling, so no worries. : ) Thanks for sharing; much appreciated. Pleasant days and cheers. : )

  107. I learnt all of the things. I never actually realised there was this many days devoted to raising awareness of different subjects. Keep up the good work 🙂

  108. I love how you have all of the days for each sickness/health issue! You may want to add Noonan Syndrome Awareness Day, which is February 23rd. My screen name is nicbeatle. I would love your unique! Thanks!

  109. Presleyh
    Feb is psychology month on Canada. Psychology can’t define normal or average, but is very valuable in correcting variant behavior. The mind is an amazing tangle of genetics, intelligence, environment and so many subtle ingredients.

  110. What a great site, well done Bonnie on all your hard work. Its a great comprehensive site full of information. Love the fact you can also add events and you have covered the whole world, including places many would not think of. A real one stop shop, brilliant.

  111. Great site! I plant to come back and check out the calendar often!!

  112. I work in health care technology and I think this is a great idea. Not sure how technical you are but if you used a content management system like Drupal you could categorize events by health factor, location, etc. best of luck!

  113. This is a great site.! I suffer from Raynauds and not many people really understand it. I didn’t realise there was a Raynauds month. I’ll be sharing this site on Twitter and FB.


    Thank u very much….

    Mr. Yote

  115. Great unique and resource!

  116. I learned that this week is eating disorder week. I had no idea that they had “weeks” for disorders to educate the public on certain types if illnesses.


  117. Hi, This is a nice site for collected information. I appreciate the Plan Ahead tab to see what may be ahead, especially if I were to plan anything or had to look up something for a fair. Much appreciated for this initiative of yours. wallabee id: leyliagray


  118. Hi, This is a nice site for collected information. I appreciate the Plan Ahead tab to see what may be ahead, especially if I were to plan anything or had to look up something for a fair. Much appreciated for this initiative of yours. wallabee id: leyliagray


  119. Very nice site Bonnie and such a great idea. Well done!

    User name: Lee

  120. I would love one! 🙂 thenebean9 – great resource!

  121. GeekBoy (WallaBee)

    I started to look through the site and was at first a little confused because it had information for everywhere all on the front page. The more I looked around the more I liked seeing information from other countries than just the one where I live. I like having all the information, but it does take me some adjusting to sort out the information that doesn’t pertain directly to me/my geographical area. I still need to search around more to see if there are ways to limit the information when I only want to see my local information…

  122. Wonderful way to find out about so many causes I wasn’t aware of. Congrats – pandali

  123. Hello! I just checked your Site and am impressed how many informations on Events in different countries you collected here. Great Job!
    Wallabee Name: ohmaneel

  124. I had no idea there were so many awareness events. The university mental health awareness is great; there’s definitely a pressing need for it. Thanks for the info and the unique! WallaBee: RhiannonN14

  125. Awesome site!

  126. Hello
    Visit the best site.
    Thank you a lot of information impressive.
    Have a nice day

    Wallabee Name: jjangnamho

  127. Thanks for the site! Checking out National Nutrition Month and your Pinterest.

  128. User-unknown on wallabee

    As a nurse this will become a resource for health awareness for my patients.

    Thank you.

  129. Jennifer Thivierge

    This is a great resource! Thank you very much! I have shared it on my facebook page and followed it on Pinterest! What a great job!
    Wallabee Name: Jennrz

  130. Jason Phillips

    Sidious, any number.

    Nice site. Lots of useful information. MS awareness week is interesting.

  131. Njoy here. Very impressed at your dedication am passion for collecting such a wide range of information. A great resource.

  132. Thus was very informative-found many Australian days i wasnt aware of-and naturally the overseas days i found interesting too-Thank you for making me aware!!

  133. It is nice to see a central repository of this kind of information. I am Jeff from Orlando Florida in wallabee.

  134. Great website! Keep up the good work 🙂

  135. What a great website. Lots of useful info, we should have more of no smoking day 🙂

  136. A really great site. Well done. Congrats from ninasger

  137. Great website, a very useful resource, you’ve done a good job -purple-star.

  138. username: szichos

    Just read about Kick Butts Day. I didn’t realize most smokers are heavily concentrated in the Eastern US.

  139. What an amazing site, so much info all in one place, the hours of work spent on this are obvious, awesome and congratulations , kosmo

  140. Wow. I never knew about 99% of these. Will share with some colleagues at work.

    User: Matthew

  141. I’m partial to the cancer sections of your site. I lost my left leg to clear cell sarcoma in 1993. I wish a cure could be found so we don’t have to amputate to save lives! I love the website, wishing the best for everybody the best for those with tough times ahead.

    Devildog on Wallabee

  142. NinTai from wallabee. I never realized there is an actual mental health day. I will be pushing for this day off this year! Great site and great unique!

  143. Cool site. Lots of info. 🙂

  144. As I said on WallaBee, I’m down with an awful flu bug, but when I get to having more strength, and being able to stay awake & stay out of the restroom, I’ll be checking the site out more. From what I’ve seen in this quick look, it’s an awesome website!! I’m Marge on WallaBee & I collect #417 cards.

  145. Hi dlp100 here I think it’s a great site could do with one like this in the uk very well done to everyone who set this up

  146. The Site is very informative. I’m working in a pharmacy and we often try to give those special days a place like cancer, diabetes, special skin care, high pressure, heart attack, osteoporosis and so on. This is limited to Germany, but it is interesting to see how many other special days there are worldwide.

    • If you know of any days in Germany, that have a web presence, I’d love to know about them! Last year I only found one (see Deutscher Lungentag in September 2013). Many events are global, and in many languages, I’m still trying to develop an easy way for people to find those!

  147. Awesome site! Great health tips as well.

  148. Diabetes march 25. Mom been diabetic for 50 years. Wallabee name shanep

  149. Hey! It’s adara916! I learned that my half birthday begins an awareness week!

  150. Hans N. Hjort

    Hey Bonnie, great work on this! I’m sure there are events in Sweden as well, but understandibly they’re hard to find if you don’t speak swedish 🙂
    Username hansnilsson.

  151. Hi, from Cyntuu! Great resource! Kick Butts day is coming up soon and our school district participates by organizing competitions between student groups. Congrats, Bonnie!

  152. What a great website! I love that you highlight all these national health awareness days hat I didn’t even know existed. Great job!!!! And beautiful wallabee unique as well! @cinders35

  153. I checked out this site when the unique first came out and it’s really cool! I started reading the different events for HealthAware day and completely forgot about the unique part – I re-logged in today to make sure I grab one of this wonderful uniques 🙂 This website is now bookmarked for further reading in my free time (between the boings) lol… thanks for sharing!

  154. Found it interesting that Childhood Cancer Awareness month for GB came up in search (December 2013 – using mobile) but US didn’t (believe September? ). My daughter (8) was just this week declared NED after a Stage 4 Wilms diagnosis last May.

    Wallabee user name = byfbofrvr

    I’m partial to #675

  155. Betty Vandenbos

    My wallabee name is mycatsrkids2 I loved that there is a list of the various awareness days in each month. When you go on Facebook people are always posting awareness posts but usually not in the proper month. That is not really a problem sine awareness is great no matter the day or month but it’s nice to know. Being a person afflicted with crohn’s and colitis I did, however, notice that there was no listing for World IBD Day which is on May 19th. I did submit a request for it to be added to your site 😊👍👏

  156. What a great site, I love health awareness projects! I’m a cancer survivor myself!
    BethC (from Wallabee)

  157. Hi! I really like the design of your site and the vast amount of information available. Very nice and a worthy cause!

  158. Great site, Bonnie! Love the cause!

  159. Wallabee davidshead

    Colbourndor! Colbourndor! Colbourndor!

  160. My aunt was found down in her apartment after a fall. She lived alone and never told anyone that she had been falling. I’m so glad to see the “No Falls Aware Week”. Seems like it’s directed toward a facility, but everyone should talk openly with older loved ones about being fall free at home so they can live there as long as is safe. I’m Catmandu on Wallabee

  161. What a great site with informative details about all of the awareness days. Thank you! My Wallabee user name is rhodychick.

  162. I was interested to learn there is a stroke survivors day

  163. This website is pretty cool! It’s interesting and it’s for a great cause!

  164. Thank you. I like your website. I recently quit smoking so health awareness is important in my life.


  165. Hi!!! Really glad I checked out this site, I forgot that Autism Awareness Day is today! I almost forgot to put out my blue light !! This is Jpilkington on Wallabee, the # I collect is 125, but any number is fine!

  166. Wow a lot here, I’ll have to look around more but needed to comment before I run out of time! Great Job!

  167. Hi there!
    Enjoyed the website.
    I liked the way you can see what is being celebrated each day.

    My Wallabee name is: SparrowsGold


  168. Awesome site! Awesome use of networking and site visits! (My site is a fledgling at the moment.) And awesome unique!

  169. Denise on wallabee … Definitely saw things I need to oh back to read

  170. Vast amount of information here! Perusing various ‘days’ and came across link to MS Awareness week. It’s for GB, but there is a lot of information there. My mom was diagnosed with MS last year, I will definitely refer her to the site link. Lots of information! Thanks, bawlingchicken 🙂

  171. Really nice website!! I love all the links to the other related health awareness events and days. I hope this continues each month going forward. Excellent to celebrate the site with a unique item! – Jay / sleestakk

  172. What a great site! I’m bookmarking so I can refer to it when I’m doing my day job (managing web and social media content for a health insurance co). Tick Week! That’s the thing that stuck out to me! Tick week is scarier than Shark Week, I think.
    Thanks for the unique!

  173. I work in healthcare and think all promotion of health events is really benificial. Wel done

  174. Great site. I was especially I interested in the diabetes info as my father just got diagnosed. Would love a unique! My username is Liagiba84.

  175. Stephanie Crabtree

    This is very very cool. I’m tinkyw by the way.

  176. Love the page 🙂 I do play wallabee, my name is livelove. 🌀

  177. Thanks for doing good in the world. What a great resource you have created! I am hands2work on wallabee and I collect zeros. Anything ending in zero would make me happy.

  178. Thanks for sharing, I liked the posts about stop dieting, I started to realize diets don’t work and lifestyle changes is the healthy way to lose weight in healthy way, my wallabee name is michbear73 and I love to have your unique, I like numbers that end in 7 or 77 thanks

  179. Wow! Great site! Thanks! Username:Nanelle

  180. Hi Bonnie, The Phoenix here, great site and great unique. Would really like one please 😃

  181. Very helpful website. From now on, I’ll use this website to check for dates and all health related events.
    Dolphin on Wallabee.

  182. Happy to find Sarcoma Awareness listed in July 2013!! Hope to see it in 2014!!

    Team Sarcoma – Malaysia

  183. I didn’t know there were so many awareness days. I feel
    Like I should be a whole lot more aware of them and spreading the word!
    Great site!!!!
    Username: alanbruce

  184. This is such a good cause. My username is picklesthecat! Thanks

  185. Great to see so many and varied events to bring a community together for a cause!

    I’m spikybluegirl on Wallabee, and I’ve approved this message.

  186. Here from Wallabee! I like depression awareness week. Username is Elasky!

  187. Never knew there was so many unheard of awareness days around the world. Thanks for the heads up and for a unique.


  188. Hi! This site looks awesome! I’m Ninia on wallabee. Your unique looks awesome BonnieB. Can I have one?

  189. I love this site Bonnie! I had no idea there were so many awareness days and events! I’ll definitely be back again to keep track! Steph x

  190. Fabulous website! You can never be too health aware. Excellent tools and links, really speculate it as an ex-RN!


  191. What an amazing website, filled with so much information. And I love that you have put which country recognise the dates too. Just wondering if there is a thryoid/hyperthyroid awareness at any time? (LottieLou) 🙂

  192. Great website, it must be a lot of work and is obviously a labor of love, good on you Bonnie. I noticed it is currently Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week here in Australia. I had an experience with a defective gas heater that was putting me to sleep, thankfully not permanently. Heaters need to be checked regularly because this is a hidden danger.

  193. Vanderarban here! Apparently my birthday is university mental health awareness day. And my friend got pregnant on pregnancy awareness day. Lol. Cool site and will be a good reference when I am working o ideas for campaigns for charitable reasons in certain months

  194. What a great site! You’ve done a great service with this.😄👏👍

  195. Hiya what a great site so much information am a wallabee member

  196. Thanks for such a comprehensive website bringing all of this info together!! After working in healthcare, all of it is interesting to me, and I could spend hours perusing all of the info!! Great work 🙂

  197. Hi. Deliberatelyintentional here from WallaBee. I just want to say how amazing this site is. I suffer from clinical depression and to see that you have a site that supports awareness for depression is amazing. So many people seem to ignore it. So thank you for that. Also, I love how the site includes awareness weeks for countries all around the world.

  198. SecretSharks

    Wow… How did I not find this site sooner… Amazing content… I’ve bookmarked and will most definitely share amongst friends. Great work.

  199. Congratulations, simple but very useful.

  200. Seems like everyday is an awareness day! Will have to see if the is an adhesion day as I suffer from them.
    My WallaBee name is galaxyhappyman x

  201. ABerndt Thank you soooo much

  202. It’s an amazing site you put together. Lots of interesting and usefull information. I’m working in healthcare and I show it to some of my collegues they all love it. Best wishes botte!

  203. This is an amazing site! So many topics with available links all in one place. The Starlight Day site is awesome. Anytime we can do something for seriously ill kids, it’s a wonderful thing. The struggles these kids have to go through at such a young age is heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing this site with so many important links!


  204. Would LOVE a unique item! Thank you! X

  205. Hi I am clovergrace.. Very informative site.. And I am still browsing

  206. The site looks great. This gives easy access tooltip on how to be take care of one’s health.

  207. The site looks great. This gives easy access tooltip on how to be take care of one’s health.

  208. Site is amazing! So much information in one place makes it hard to pick what was most interesting. Think I’d have to go with the areas on Allergies and Men’s Health since those were most applicable for me personally.
    (WallaBee user name is RickP)

  209. What a wonderful resource for everyone to have at their finger tips. Great job on this website. (WallaBee user name is kagey). Thanks in advance for the lowest number available.

  210. National immunization week! Woot woot!!


  211. What a great website! You can never over communicate healthy information. Love the information on Men’s Health.
    Wallabee: andrewd69000

  212. Awesome site. Had no idea there were so many awareness days. Lots of great information. 🙂
    Wallabee: VirgoRunner
    I collect 111, but not sure if that’s available.

  213. Kelly Kimpton

    This is a really good site, am passing it on to my cousin as her daughter suffers severely with M.E. Some very interesting pages and easy to navigate too. I am kellyk3 on Wallabee. Keep up the fantastic work your doing on getting this information out there. 🌸🌸

  214. Hey bonie you know me always getting my number 300 or lower and always helping you when your low lol. This website is really good I read abit once in awhile and I miss not seeing you maybe I come see you one day 😉 lool so yea. loving the item so much and keep up your hard work

  215. Awesome site! Super helpful, bookmarked. 🙂

  216. Woow!!
    Great site! You do good job. Your listings about awareness day is very useful.
    My mother has been diagnosed that she have cervical cancer, but a few month ago she underwent surgery to remove breast cancer 😦
    I’ve now bookmarked the page to learn more about cancer. Many Thanks!

  217. CantStandYa25

    I am a diabetic so I like what you are doing…I would love one of your uniques if you wouldn’t mind…palindrome if possible thanks…CantStandYa25

  218. kungfuhippie13

    Nice site, enjoyed exploring it a bit. Found some gluten-free stuff for my wife. Take care!

    -August (kungfuhippie)

  219. I am a Wallabee player (kergillian). Rather than pointing out something that interests me I’ll tell you a story that I think is relevant😃

    I gave been fortunate enough to be just about allergy free in my life and therefore never really was forced to think about it. Then my stepsister had a daughter born with a severe allergy to eggs – as in if she touches anything with egg product, from food to paint, it’s instant anaphylaxis…

    This has heightened my awareness and the need to be ultra cautious about making good for others. I’ve therefore taken part in Montreal’s first allergy awareness walkathon earlier this year (if I’d known about this site earlier I woulda posted about it here!) and like to spread the word when I can.

    People need to be more mindful and sensitive about allergies – it’s not just a ‘thing’, it’s literally lives at stake.

  220. Hi Bonnie,
    I think it’s great what your doing, maintaining a comprehensive resource for health awareness events. I hadn’t known, for example, that June is Migraine and Headaches Awareness Month. I have some friends and family members that suffer from migraines, and I’ll share the link to the National Headache Foundation with them. Thanks again.

    – one take

  221. Jacqui McClymont

    I love this site, Im impressed that you have included world wide events. Where I work, we always have awareness days and this site will be spread around my office. Thank You.

  222. Would love one of your uniques , great site , cannot believe the information available on the site , thanks , will be bookmarking this link, my username is Sandra T , thank you

  223. Great informative website! This is saved to my favourites.

  224. Nice site! Keep up the good work!

  225. Great Site keep up the good work

  226. Would love to add your unique to my collection. However the site is incredible. Thank you. Aka TheRealGigi

  227. Yeah! This is a cool Site! Gibts a Lot if Information!

    My ingame Name is: dimrich

    Would be glad to get The unique 😃👍

  228. I’d like one my usernames dumdumpop234

  229. Nicole Poulios (Nickstar69)

    Great website! Lots of information on here and days I’ve never heard of! Well done 😊

    Wallabee name:

  230. Carrot Walk! Looking ahead in 2014, I thought that was interesting and I never heard of a Carrot Walk!

  231. Chandler Hughes

    This is a great site and I love the unique. DavidNeckoms

  232. Very cool website! I like how easy it is to find health events in the area! My username is trailerboy. 🙂

  233. Lots of good information on this site. It kept me reading for hours!

  234. Lots of great information in one place!
    Maureen aka Turtle

  235. I found the information on macular degeneration. My grandmother had it and I did not know that I had a higher risk cause it runs in families. My wallabee user name is crys

  236. I love how comprehensive this site is! Fantastic work!

  237. My friend has just lost her daughter to kawasaki disease, I have found some really interesting stuff about it on here that will help me raise awareness in her memory. I would love a unique please , #110 if possible but any number will do – username allyjayne

  238. Joanne Marris

    Impressed by the website. I like the plan ahead section. Was not aware of national road victim month. Wallabee name is Statistically average. Thank you.

  239. Kräuterhexchen

    A great Site and a great Unique! Would Love to get one pls! Kräuterhexchen

  240. Wonderful job on putting all this together. Many things I’ve never even heard of…very informative. Glad to see awareness of cleft palates as I am a supporter of Smile Train. Thank you for this website (and the unique).

  241. Very nice tool to find out about current events, very well put together. Dragon72926 is my wallabee username, and if you can spare it the lowest number you have, but anyone will be cool as seeing this is my first unique. THNX!!!

  242. Kyra Robinson (Kizzles15)

    Awesome website really easy to look around in and really user friendly! 😉

  243. A web site to talk about health, informing people providing a lot of infos about events in the world … great job !
    greetz from Italy (Tiziano)

  244. Hi! I would love a unique of yours! Juicer138 is the name 😄

  245. Thereal. Thanks i could use one.

  246. Hi I would love one

  247. I’d love one!

  248. I’d be happy to get your unique! Thanks!

  249. Swinta Majoor

    #1Minion – awesome website Bonnie 🙂 Great to have all this information available on one website. Will forward this to my friends in the medical industry

  250. This is a great site and I’m enjoying going through it to see what’s going on . As I have Gorlin’s syndrome it’s of specail interest 🙂

  251. Nightmare
    I really like the list of events for each country. Some of these can be hard to find.

  252. Great site for info on what’s going on, a great help 🙂

  253. I work for Head Start with at-risk preschool children. This is a really great resource.

  254. My girlfriend has a son with autism and one that was born with bladder exstrophy. Anything to bring more attention to the public about these or other health issues is a wonderful thing. Thank you!


  255. This is a very helpfull website. Everyone will find something here that they need.
    Great job!
    For the unique: # xxxx or # abcd please 🙂

  256. Nice website! My username is Bananaman2356.

  257. Love what you do here! Lots of causes near and dear to my heart! Thank you for the opportunity to have this great unique! Keep up the great work ~auntneenie

  258. BellaDivaDee

    Great site Bonnie. Well Done.
    Very comprehensive list of events and links. Loved that it has references to US, GB, and NZ as well as AU.

  259. Nice website with lots of great information.

  260. Very informative website. Lots of great information. Too much info to read in one night. Thanks for the link and for the Unique offer.

  261. User name is helenmelon80 – great site with lots of useful information about the different awareness weeks 🙂

  262. AlteaineDranix

    What I like in particular is that this site includes a wide variety of countries. Health awareness is vitally important, no matter from wha country you are.

  263. Hi bonnie ,
    What a great site ,nice to see all the health care days in one place. Xx

  264. I have found this a very interesting site. It is very informative and is great that it’s available in different countries and languages. I also like that it is on Pinterest – I’m hooked on this. Well done keep up the good work xx

  265. I love having a place to go with a comprehensive list! Thanks for the Info.
    My Wallabee username is mojomedic.

  266. Wow, very comprehensive. I’ve even just submitted a favourite event of mine I participate in and support. I’m slieschke in Wallabee.

  267. Wow! Can’t believe the list of days! So many that are near and dear to my heart like the Mental Health, Women’s Health, etc. I am going to share with those in my life that these days represent! Its awesome to find a place with a comprehensive list! Keep up the great work!

    P.S. My Wallabee name is Trtlshell

  268. Fredrik Frost (bukk)

    Hey Bonnie! So you told me to go here, i got the hint, living only on coffee, cigarettes and icecream is not ideal 😉 Seriously, its a great site, clean and easy to navigate, i like it ;)) Lungcancer event this month, maybe i quit smoking, again! One day i might make it! Take care/Bukk

  269. Awesome to see so many New Zealand events on here. It’s a pity that more of these events aren’t publicised better! Great work.

    Wallabee name: Cherie

  270. Very interesting site! Funny to know my birthday has several things happening…..including something about getting rid of the fad diets…..I play Wallabee user Deanne…..would like my collected # if available but understand that it may not be available.

  271. Very nice to see the amount of illnesses that are represented here, as most do not get the full recognition they deserve.


  272. My Mum and I both suffer from IBS, and if it weren’t for websites such as this one, we would never have known where to get help. Luxembourg doctors are extremely traditionalist, but we eventually found competent practitioners in London and L.A. Henceforth I’ll keep checking this page for any events that could be of interest. I might mention that I’m MlleMaupin on Wallabee. All numbers welcome, but I do have a soft spot for lower ones…

  273. Bonnie,

    What an awesome undertaking! I can’t even imagine the amount of research and the hours you’ve put in compiling all this information. Congrats and keep up the amazing work!

    (Kimt333 in wallabee)

  274. What an awesome website. Thanks for
    Bringing me here. mummiebear

  275. This site is amazingly useful! I had no idea that there was so many health related days in the world! This is defenantly one of my favorite websites and is going to be bookmarked! Thank you for all the work you have put into this website to help inform the world about the health awareness days they are missing!

  276. There is a lot of great information here! Very nice work! Thank you. – MattDing

  277. hii really good website, congratss lapetita 😉

  278. Cool website 👍 diddiash

  279. Maria Fatima Garces

    Great page…. Congratulations, from Caracas.

    Maria Fatima

  280. Nice site for seeing what’s going on in the health calendar.

  281. Nice site for seeing what’s going on in the health calendar

  282. I’m so glad to find a site that has so many listings of awareness days and events in one location. I have it bookmarked. Thanks. “magnolyall”

  283. Sorry about the previous deleted and anonymous I clicked the wrong button

  284. Ellen Bloomfield

    Clickchik here working at a hospital puts this in a new perspective!

  285. Such a comprehensive site. I’m excited to have this as a resource. I manage the public calendar at the school I work at, so I was excited to see the calendar. I’m hoping to raise awareness with our students by replicating portions of the calendar for them! (Joli92)

  286. Wallabee UM Clemster49
    I found all the dates pretty helpful and being aware of the other countries different awareness issues refreshing.

  287. Wallander card please!

  288. Like the events page 🙂

  289. Very interesting website, I didn’t realise we had a ‘love parks’ week in the UK will definitely be bookmarking the page to take a closer look.

    Wallabee name : starspangled

  290. Thanks Bonnie, amazing site. I had no idea my birthday was also panic awareness day hahaha. 😸👍

  291. Nice page and thank you

  292. This is a great site. A lot of great information here.


  293. Like that you have so much information in one place. Thank you. A couple are near me so I can check them out. I will keep this available so I can give information out to my patients as well as my family. Thanks again for making it available in one place.

  294. Great site. Read all awareness days and I didn’t know it existed many of them. Thank you.

  295. Hello Bonnie! Thank you very much for your invitation to check out this site! I’m really impressed on all the hard work you put on this project, it’s really informative. Congratulations on your efforts to inform the public an all this important health events. Being a Spanish speaker myself I really liked there is information available in Spanish as well! All the best! – Francisco aka qvovadis @ wallabee 🙂

  296. Love the idea for the website! Great way to spread awareness of all the great events/causes happening in the world. 🙂 My Wallabee name is sweetsharade. Thank you! Keep up the great work 🙂

  297. Great website! I have added it to my favorites. Every time I come here, I learn something new! Thank you!

  298. Great website! I’ve already added one event that I know of that affects me personally, but I’ll be coming back to learn and contribute the things near to my heart.

  299. HelenGr fabulous website, so informative thank you.

  300. This is just an amazing site in general. I recently took drivers ed and talked about being a donor and this site kind of reminded me in general of that sort of thing. My wallabee name is ShadowForge, I have no # preference

  301. Thks for info it’s great of you to bring awareness. But it makes me sad to see all these horrible diseases and that we have to have special awareness days.

  302. Enjoyed viewing this website. Since I work for the state health department I am often writing stories on awareness events so this site will definitely come in handy for future assignments. Keep up the great work! I am Ground Fox in Wallabee.

  303. I didn’t know there was a family firmness day. I am defiantly going to try to get out for that one with my son. Alimira.quinn of wallabee

  304. I like that you have included health awareness from all over the world.

  305. My username is andre64man3

  306. Wow what an awesome web page it’s so important that we are aware of our health and that of family and friends now that there are always new disease & vaccination to found to cure. Keep up the good work👍😊

  307. I am fascinated by people around the world getting together over the internet to support each other through difficult times. Congratulations on your site!

  308. Hey what a great idea for a site, will visit more, best regards arve. On wallabee also arve 🙂 keep up the good work!

  309. Who knew we were in Invisible Illness Week in the US. I didn’t!

    Thanks for all the good info on this site.
    Please send me a unique when you have a chance.
    Wallabee username: TheBadCop

  310. Glad to see that there is an awareness day for Lymphedema, even if it is only in GB. It’s such an unknown condition, it definitely needs more attention, and more people that specialize in it. Thanks for the site! 🙂

    Whenever you can, please send me a unique item – username eclaire611

  311. Being a sufferer of a lesser known condition, thank you for helping to bring awareness to so many overlooked issues people deal with everyday. Wallabee: Daddymatty

  312. So many many days/months with awareness causes! I knew September is childhood cancer month in the US, but not that it’s also in several other countries! Already bookmarked for future reference!
    Wallabee user: SilverShaneth (no number preference beyond TD if possible 🙂

    Have a blessed day and
    Thank you for showing me such a cool database!

    • Just a random little fact:

      I was diagnosed with ALL (leukemia) at age 11, relapsed at 15, and had a bone marrow transplant in 1997. 17 years cancer free! So September is usually a big month for me 🙂

  313. Wow! Great website, I didn’t know there was so many awareness days around, will book mark this site and keep and eye on it! Tyvm

    (TishTishx, 186 if you can on wallabee)

  314. I’m 3 days late for odd socks day! If only I had logged in a little sooner. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


  315. Hi there! Great page, and a great initiative! I really didn’t know much about health awareness days or events before reading all this. You’ve really put a lot of heart and effort into this project – well done!

    Of course I would love the unique item as well. My username is stafffan, and since I’m trying to (re)collect those 1000s, I would be thrilled to have that number!

  316. Very informative site, will be bookmarking it for future reference.
    Wallabee username: gabrielac.

  317. Hi, Bonnie. Your website is wonderful. What a great resource! I really like being able to look up health awareness dates by month – and that you track important days worldwide.

    What an impressive undertaking! So fantastic.
    The work that you have put in is breathtaking.
    I have bookmarked your site and will return (often).

    My WallaBee username is LondonMyst.

  318. My first comment seems to have vanished.

    I love your site. It has a wealth of information. I especially like that you’ve included worldwide health awareness days (with links). Thank you! I have bookmarked your site and will return, often.

    My WallaBee name is LondonMyst.

  319. Hi Bonnie. Actually don’t know much about this website. Is it some kind of social nexus which organizes on-line events?
    My wallabee accout is Kya.

  320. Great site, love all the info in the same place, wallabee name is vks84

  321. I’ve never heard of this site before and it’s fantastic!! I was obviously sent here from a link on Wallabee & I’m really glad I was.

    Apart from making me aware that there are far more conditions people suffer from than I ever knew – some I’ve not even heard of – for the problems I do have (I have two of the ‘invisible illnesses’ – chronic pain & mental health issues), I realise I’m not alone.

  322. Username: Julwhite

  323. Excellent site, most informative and one I will use for reference in future.
    My name on WallaBee is Brontillow
    Thank you

  324. My Wallabee username is Elli61.
    Thanks in advance for the unique.

    Loved the link for Down syndrome awareness day info 🙂

  325. Well, I finally got here to comment. Nice website I like how you have the info arranged by dates, makes it much easier to find. My user name on WallaBee is The PrEditor.
    Thanks, Gail

  326. This is an excellent tool. I’m gonna use it at work to raise awareness of some important issues. Was just reading upon AF week. Any low number is fine by me 🙂

  327. What a wonderful site. There are so many awareness days that I didn’t know about. Very interesting. Wallabee name is titanzbane and if you have 999,990,909,99,90 if not anything will do. Ty for all of this.

  328. Very instresting ready. Read about the cardiac arrest Very helpful to no the info

  329. What an amazing site! I never appreciated how much could be happening in this aspect of the world without my knowing! My wallabee username is Parky8991 😊

  330. Can’t wait to peruse the site some more and see what good information it has.

    -SunDevil21 (Wallabee)

  331. Unique please, speedcity

  332. Hi, great site!

    Wallabee username Roxy1411

  333. Ally0825 🙂

  334. This is a cool website that I’ll come back and check again for upcoming stuff and I love Australia, I also found something you didn’t have wobbly Wednesday Nystagmus Awarness Day. that I’ll add. Thanks Cozmoe84

  335. Awesome site!!! There were several that caught my eye for various reasons. The one that stood out the most was the down’s syndrome awareness week in the firs of November. My husband and I have guardianship over a cousin with Down’s. She brings a smile across my face everyday and could not imagine what life would be without her. My WallaBee name is gingerose and I would be honored to have your unique in my set.

  336. This is a really cool site! I feel that the upcoming skin cancer awarness week is an awesome way to raise awareness on the issue! Keep doing what you do! As for the unique, id love anything td, thx!

  337. Thank you for all the wonderful work and awareness. This is truly a kind and informative site.
    Sal and sonny.

  338. I love all the mentions of Celiac Awareness. This one is near and dear to my heart! My Wallabee name is Lizardloo and I’d love to have your unique 🙂

  339. Juicer138.… Nov1 is declared Childrens day in South Africa, intended to bring awareness to Childrens rights!! Love it ❤️

  340. Thank you for sharing this! I plan to look at your site more often.thanks for what you do! My passion is helping people and I love my job as a school social worker. I work with special needs children and many who are on the autism spectrum.

    Username- skyryder.

  341. I’m a librarian myself and understand your passion for sharing knowledge with others! I love seeing all of these health and wellness resources in one place!

    My WallaBee username is amyranth & I’d love to have one of your uniques!


  342. Wallabee player : raquelg10

    I thought that it was very cool see breakfast on the list of awareness! We take break for granted and many of us skip it 😞

  343. What an amazing website. If it wasn’t for Wallabee I wouldn’t have found this site, and I would be worse off for it.

    Thanks for running it. – username is heartgiving

  344. Love that global belly laugh day is soon!! Definitely will be celebrating that one!! Love your unique. New player and would love to add it. Username is freecyclestacy. Thanks so much!!

  345. I have been following your comments on Wallabee and wondered why you always seem to be flying round the world. Perhaps this site is the answer. I would love one of your uniques please – username piggy145

  346. Hi Bonnie. Great site you have here. 🙂 Glad I checked it out tonight and found that national belly laugh day is tomorrow, I will be remembering that while I am at work. My username on wallabee is beach bum Bec and I would love one of your uniques thanks 🙂

  347. Hi Bonnie my username is simorno and I didn’t know that January was skin cancer awareness month

  348. Love the site Bonnie btw

  349. Holy moley! I had no idea there were so many awareness days!!! I will be spending some more time perusing this very idea site.

    I am W on WallaBee 🙂

  350. This is a great site BonnieB. Kithkan.

  351. I am dkb02 on wallabee. I found that your profession, being a medical librarian, is very interesting! I’ve never heard of that before! Also, I love your unique design. It’s awesome!

  352. I like how the website is put together and btw im Beatleman1963

  353. My Wallabee username is luckybamsmom . I work in a hospital and I’m really excited to have your website as a new learning tool. It brings up a new awareness topic every week that I can look up and or teach on without having to do a lot of extra research (that I really don’t have time for.) thank you for providing this and especially providing it to Wallabee users. Sandy

  354. Hey Bonnie. Don’t forget that November is the awareness month for prostatic cancer. Men grow their mustache to raise awareness, hence the campaign name Movember. Some airlines, including British Airways, even pait a mustache on one of their planes for the month. Just google Movember.
    Janvdc3, Colbourndor

  355. What a fabulous resource of information. I run my company’s health and wellness committee and will use your calendar as a foundation to build events.

    (Player: Smugsy)

  356. Looking great!!!


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